
beat365体育官方网站/电化学研究所 2023-10-30 08:55:00 来源:beat365体育官方网站 点击: 收藏本文



姓名: 易芬云

性别: 女


籍贯: 湖南邵阳

职称: 副研究员(硕士生导师)






1992.9-1996.7  湖南师范大学化学化工学院,化学教育专业(本科)

1998.9-2001.7  湘潭大学beat365体育官方网站,分析化学专业(硕士)

2005.9-2008.6  中山大学beat365体育官方网站,高分子化学与物理专业(博士)



2001.7-2005.8 浙江师范大学化学与生命科学学院,讲师

2010.6-2013.1 beat365体育官方网站,博士后

2013.1-至今  beat365体育官方网站,讲师、副研究员









1. 高爱梅, 舒东, 易芬云, 陈红雨. 新能源材料与器件创新人才培养模式的探索与研究, beat365体育官方网站校级教学成果奖二等奖,2019年。

2. 论文“新工科背景下新能源材料与器件专业的复合型人才跨界培养研究”获2022年beat365体育官方网站第五届优秀教学论文二等奖。


学术型硕士可招专业: 1.物理化学(电化学方向),2.材料物理与化学(电池材料制备、结构与性能表征方向)。

专业型硕士可招生专业:1.材料与化工;2. 学科教学(化学)。



1. Kang Xia, Fenyun Yi*, Lihong Zheng, Aimei Gao, Dong Shu**, Jingzhou Ling, 2D coordination unsaturated Ni-MOFs hierarchical nanosheets with internal electric fields for high-performance hybrid supercapacitors, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2023, 939: 117464.

2. Tingting Zhao, Cong Liu, Tao Meng, Wenyue Deng, Lihong Zheng, Fenyun Yi*, Aimei Gao, Dong Shu*. Graphene Quantum Dots Pinned on Nanosheets-Assembled NiCo-LDH Hollow Micro-Tunnels: Toward High-Performance Pouch-Type Supercapacitor via the Regulated Electron Localization. Small, 202201286.

3.Tingting Zhao, Cong Liu, FenyunYi*, Xinbiao Liu, Aimei Gao, Dong Shu*, JingzhouLing. Promoting high-energy supercapacitor performance over NiCoP_N-doped carbon hybrid hollow nanocages via rational architectural and electronic modulation, Applied Surface Science, Volume 569, 15 December 2021, 151098

4.Miao Xing, Aimei Gao, Yansheng Liang, Shengxiang Deng, Dong Shu*, Shiting Su, Fenyun Yi*, Xiaoping Zhou, and Zhenhua Zhu. Defect-Engineered 3D Cross-Network Co3O4−xNx Nanostructure for High-Performance Solid-State Asymmetric Supercapacitors. ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2021, 4, 888−898

5. TingtingZhao, CongLiu,Fenyun Yi*, WenyueDeng, AimeiGao, DongShu*, LihongZhengHollow N-doped carbon @ O-vacancies NiCo2O4 nanocages with a built-in electric field as high-performance cathodes for hybrid supercapacitor.Electrochimica Acta. Volume 364, 20 December 2020, 137260.

6. Fan Zhang, Fenyun Yi*, Aimei Gao, Dong Shu*, Zehai Sun, Junhua Mao, Xiaoping Zhou, Zhenhua Zhu, Yanhui Sun. Interfacial Electrostatic Self-Assembly in Water-in-oil Microemulsion Assisted Synthesis of Li4Ti5O12/Graphene for Lithium-Ion-Batteries. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 819: 153018.

7.Li Xia, Gao Aimei, Shu Dong*, Kemeng Yang, Xiaoping Zhou, Zhenhua Zhu, Fenyun Yi*, Ronghua Zeng. Holey graphene/MnO2 nanosheets with open ion channels for high-performance solid-state asymmetric supercapacitors. International Journal of Energy Research, 2020, 44:3446-3457.

8.Fan Zhang, Fenyun Yi*, Tao Meng, Aimei Gao, Dong Shu*, Hongyu Chen, Honghong Cheng, and Xiaoping Zhou. In Situ Supramolecular Self-Assembly Assisted Synthesis of Li4Ti5O12−Carbon-Reduced Graphene Oxide Microspheres for Lithium-Ion Batteries. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 7, 916-924.

9. Fenyun Yi, Yulan Huang, Aimei Gao, Fan Zhang, Dong Shu*, Weixin Chen, Honghong Cheng, Xiaoping Zhou, Ronghua Zeng. Investigation on the pseudocapacitive charge storage mechanism of MnO2 in various electrolytes by electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM). Ionics, 2019, 25:2393-2399.
