beat365体育官方网站/无机化学研究所 2020-02-28 08:42:00 来源:beat365体育官方网站 点击: 收藏本文
姓名: 吴建中
性别: 男
籍贯: 江西
职称: 教授
通讯地址:广州市大学城 beat365体育官方网站
1985.9-1989.7 复旦大学化学系,化学专业,获理学学士学位;
1992.9-1997.7 中山大学化学与化工学院,无机化学专业,或理学博士学位。
1989.7-1992.8 江西九江化纤总厂,助理工程师;
1997.7-至今 beat365体育官方网站化学系、化学与环境学院、beat365体育官方网站,讲师、副教授、教授;
2002.3-2003.3 荷兰莱顿大学化学研究所博士后;
2003.9-2004.9 美国普林斯顿大学化学系访问研究员;
2018.9-2019.9 澳大利亚西澳大学分子科学学院访问学者。
l 1999年教育部科技进步奖二等奖“金属酶体系的结构、机制和模拟研究”(第7)
l 2005年华南师大教学成果二等奖“构建高师化学专业创新人才培养体系的研究与实践”(第4)
l 2009年华南师大教学成果二等奖“多层次、多模式无机化学精品课程的构建与实践”(第4)
l Xu, W.; Tang, Y.-J.; Zheng, L.-Q.; Xu, J.-M.; Wu, J.-Z.; Ou, Y.-C.; Tong, M.-L., A Gyroidal MOF with Unprecedented Interpenetrating utc-c Network Exhibiting Exceptional Thermal Stability and Ultrahigh CO2 Affinity. Inorganic Chemistry 2019, 58 (20), 13766-13770.
l Lu, Y.-N.; Peng, J.-L.; Zhou, X.; Wu, J.-Z.; Ou, Y.-C.; Cai, Y.-P., Rapid naked-eye luminescence detection of carbonate ion through acetonitrile hydrolysis induced europium complexes. Crystengcomm 2018, 20 (46), 7574-7581.
l Zhou, X.; Peng, J.-L.; Wen, C.-Y.; Liu, Z.-Y.; Wang, X.-H.; Wu, J.-Z.; Ou, Y.-C., Tuning the structure and Zn(II) sensing of lanthanide complexes with two phenylimidazophenanthrolines by acetonitrile hydrolysis. Crystengcomm 2017, 19 (43), 6533-6539.
l Yao, Y.; Cai, B.; Ou, Y.-C.; Wu, J.-Z., Pseudo-isomeric zinc/copper coordination polymers based on 3-(2-pyridyl)pyrazole-5-carboxylic acid. Inorganic Chemistry Communications 2015, 56, 120-124.
l Liu, L.-F.; Cai, B.; He, C.-S.; Wu, J.-Z.; Wang, Q.-M.; Yu, Y., Coordination and topology versatility of metal-organic frameworks based on cadmium iodide and 5-azaarylpyrazole-3-carboxylic acids. Inorganic Chemistry Communications 2013, 30, 105-110.
l Gao, M.-J.; Yang, P.; Cai, B.; Dai, J.-W.; Wu, J.-Z.; Yu, Y., Spontaneous resolution of lanthanide coordination polymers with 2-hydroxypyrimidine-4,6-dicarboxylic acid. Crystengcomm 2012, 14 (4), 1264-1270.
l Shi, L.; Yang, P.; Huang, G.; Li, Q.; Wang, N.; Wu, J.-Z.; Yu, Y., C-H···Cl relevant discrepancy on structure, magnetic and electronic conductivity of two mixed-valence CuIICuI coordination polymers. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2011, 184 (7), 1699-1706.
l Cai, B.; Yang, P.; Dai, J.-W.; Wu, J.-Z., Tuning the porosity of lanthanide MOFs with 2,5-pyrazinedicarboxylate and the first in situ hydrothermal carboxyl transfer. Crystengcomm 2011, 13 (3), 985-991.
l Dai, J.-W.; Li, B.-Z.; Chen, Y.-L.; Huang, G.; Cai, B.; Yu, Y.; Wu, J.-Z., Embrace interlocking of dipyrazinylpyridine complexes involving N···π interactions. Inorganic Chemistry Communications 2010, 13 (5), 625-629.
l Yang, P.; Wu, J.-Z.; Yu, Y., Ultramicroporous channel lanthanide coordination polymers of 2,5-pyrazinedicarboxylate. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2009, 362 (6), 1907-1912.
l Wu, J.-Z.; De Angelis, F.; Carrell, T. G.; Yap, G. P. A.; Sheats, J.; Car, R.; Dismukes, G. C., Tuning the photoinduced O2 evolving reactivity of Mn4O47+, Mn4O46+, and Mn4O3(OH)6+ manganese-oxo cubane complexes. Inorganic Chemistry 2006, 45 (1), 189-195.
l Wu, J.-Z.; Yuan, L.; Wu, J. F., Synthesis and DNA binding of μ-2,9-bis(2-imidazo[4,5-f][1,10] phenanthroline)-1,10-phenanthroline bis(1,10-phenanthroline)copper(II). Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 2005, 99 (11), 2211-2216.
l Wu, J.-Z.; Sellitto, E.; Yap, G. P. A.; Sheats, J.; Dismukes, G. C., Trapping an elusive intermediate in manganese-oxo cubane chemistry. Inorganic Chemistry 2004, 43 (19), 5795-5797.